Enable Block: 

This indicative plan has based on the work of field/park directors and their colleagues in the eight protected areas, and of various non-governmental organisations involved in carrying out PRA in the proposed project area.

Increasing incidents of smuggling weapons grade nuclear material have explosive global ramifications

THE defining feature of modern, Western medical perception is the dominance of the laboratory -- it is the biomedical laboratory which determines whether you are 'sick' or 'healthy', it gives you the

The International Olympic Committee (ioc) is now ready to set the pace, not for sports, but for scientific research. It has announced the a new prize to recognise "the evolution of scientific

IN THE past century, humans have polluted the oceans, poisoned rivers and lakes, made deserts of good, arable land, felled forests, and severely eroded the mountainsides. This book seeks to protect

E mail has made it easier for swindlers in the US to rob the unwary

This book contains a conservation strategy for Maharashtra's biodiversity based on ecodevelopment, with special reference to Melghat tiger reserve.

The thousands of corpses of the brutal gun and machete civil war in Rwanda have been dumped into the second largest fresh water lake in the world.

Huge forest fires played havoc in Australia at the beginning of this year. This time they have struck again -- in western Canada. About 2,430 ha of the fruit-growing belt of British Columbia has

Most biographical dictionaries are inevitably born obese and tend to grow fatter with every edition. But this established reference work is comfortably lightweight, even in its 4th
