controlling agricultural pests through their natural predators is environmentally preferable to using pesticides, which contaminate the soil, groundwater and even the food grown. However, raising

The developing countries' wide acceptance of genetically modified seeds owes much to China

Shenghui Wang, an economist with the World Bank and one of the authors of the study on Bt cotton in China, on the future of the technology in India and China

curcumin, commonly known as haldi in India, helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, a brain disorder that results in memory loss, personality changes and a decline in the thinking ability.

a bangladeshi scientist has developed a biopesticide from garlic, whose smell repels insects perhaps as much as it does humans. Integrated Pest Management Laboratory head Bahadur Meah says the

Issues they agreed to work on

A deadly moth and a fly create havoc

Ecological Security is all pervasive, all encompassing. It is not merely the flora, fauna, air, water and land. It is whole economics. One cannot separate Financial Security and Ecological Security.

Nature uses lean sources to get work done. The environmental crises we face today are a result of ignoring this simple paradigm for two centuries. For the sake of our survival in the 21st century, science will have to move on from just unravelling nature

T he Centre for Science and Environment ( cse ) and Down To Earth have instituted the award to highlight the state of environmental research in India and to encourage and honour commendable
