NEW DELHI: India and Brazil are exploring the possibility of cooperation in production of ethanol and agricultural investment.

This report is a survey on the technical potential of biomass from current agriculture and forestry in the regions; Europe incl. Russia and Ukraine, USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, China and India. The report provides projections for agricultural residue production assuming availability of fertilizers, plant protection and mechanization.

Brazil and the US are locked in hot competition over ethanol trade, with the former seeking more market access and the latter determined to protect its domestic producers.

PROTESTERS in paint and headdresses in Bras

ETHANOL prices paid to producers in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Brazil, China, India and South Africa have each worked to improve access to electricity services. While many of the challenges faced by these countries are similar, the means of addressing them varied in their application and effectiveness. This report analyses the four country profiles, determining the pre-requisites to successful rural electrification policies.

Gurgaon Discom Officials

Biofuels investor Clean Energy Brazil has sold its stake in a Brazilian sugar mill for much less than its initial investment after the plant's debt pile proved too much of a burden in a tough ethanol market.

Badal valley in Uttarakhand has now become a demo valley for green energy----

The coming years are going to be quite difficult for the world if preventive measures are not taken to tap new and non-conventional sources for its energy requirements.

Brazil's wind energy sector is expected to take off this year, boosted by the government's first auction for projects in the renewable energy source on November 25.

Following are some of the main investments, current and planned, in the sector.
