People are not good at making immediate sacrifices for an abstract benefit in the future, especially when they have a hard time understanding the problem John Tierney Everyone talks about the future weather, but so far nobody has done much about it, not even the many people and politicians convinced that climate change will be a serious problem. This situation comes as no surprise to the behavioural researchers who have been studying the human brain's penchant for making dumb choices.

Evanston, Illinois: Everyone seems to be talking about a carbon tax.

An environmental perspective is no longer the preserve of scruffy Greenpeace types, with their nature songs and banner protests.

Climate science tells that the earth is warming as a result of human activities. But considerable uncertainty regarding the precise nature and extent of the risks remains. Economists are needed to develop sensible policies to address these risks, which account for the uncertainties.

Germany said it would issue 451.9 million tonne say ear of carbon-dioxide pollution certificates from 2008 to 2 012, 0.3%fewer than allowed by the European Commission. Germany cut its planned emission cap because new power plants will need fewer free C02 permits than previously expected, the DEHST emissions trading unit of the environment ministry said on its website. Germany earlier set aside 11 million tonnes of C02 a year for new power plants and factories, yet permits foronly9.79milliontonnesareneeded. German utilities and energy-intensive industries want installation-level allocations of permits as they prepare for the second phase of the EU's climate control programmed. Some 1,625power plants and factories, new and in operation, will get388.86 million tones of free permitseveryyearthrough2012 according to the plan.

For the global nuclear industry, climate change seems to be a blessing.

Tradable emissions permits are a popular, but inferior, way to tackle global warming
THE pressure for political action on climate change has never looked stronger. Even George Bush has now joined the leaders of other rich countries in their quest to negotiate a successor regime to the Kyoto protocol, the treaty on curbing greenhouse gases that expires in 2012.

This MIT study examines the role of coal as an energy source in a world where constraints on carbon emissions are adopted to mitigate global warming. The study’s particular emphasis is to compare the performance and cost of different coal combustion technologies when combined with an integrated system for CO2 capture and sequestration.

This report gives a detailed account of emissions trading schemes and their potential for environmental mitigation and profit generation. The authors cover the U.S. acid rain program, the Kyoto protocol and its clean development mechanism, the European Union emissions trading scheme, climate exchanges, China's pilot programs, and the possibility of linking up these disparate systems.

Environment Tax
