BHUBANESWAR: Cruising along in a boat at a nice speed on the tranquil waters of Chilika! Well, the annoying sound of the boat engine almost kills half the pleasure. But this, in the coming times, will be a thing of the past.

Report of the Expert Committee on draft CMZ notification chaired by M S Swaminathan submitted to Minister of State for Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh. Recommendations of this committee have been accepted and CMZ 2008 Notification, 2008 lapses on July 22, 2009.

BHUBANESWAR: The much awaited Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZMP) will get a boost in the near future with a strategic approach to include the livelihood, safety, gender and local issues in its implementation stage through a coordinated way to benefit all the stakeholders.

BHUBANESWAR: The State Government has started consultation with several institutions to find out ways to check erosion of coast at Puri and Konark.

Chilika lagoon, along the east coast of India, is the largest brackish water lagoon in Asia. Hydrodynamics of an aquatic system like Chilika is extremely important. It has significant impact on sediment and pollutant transport, distribution of nutrients in water and sediments, and the productivity of the system.

Mechanized boats and gillnets endanger rare species THERE is some good news for dolphin lovers. The population of the endangered Irrawaddy Dolphins in Orissa

BERHAMPUR: More than 10,000 families in Philippines earn their daily bread through seaweed farming. Seaweed cultivation can reap similar fruits in the coastal district of Ganjam where a large population, along the coasts, depends on fishing and its related activities.

BHUBANESWAR: The State Government has submitted a proposal of Rs 49.54 crore before the 13th Finance Commission (TFC) for the all-round development and conservation of biodiversity in Chilika lake.

This document represents the collective expertise of a diverse group of individuals concerned with ecosystem degradation, and the continuing loss of the services provided by these ecosystems. Attention is given to aquatic ecosystems because of water`s fundamental role as the `blood` of ecosystem structure and functions, and an engine of economic production.

