The Rail Metro Rapid Gurgaon (RMRG) project, which is to connect Gurgaon residents with the Delhi metro, is back on track. The Punjab and Haryana High Court has dismissed a petition against the use of a green belt for the project.

For a large number of developing countries, agriculture remains the single most important sector. Climate change has the potential to damage irreversibly the natural resource base on which agriculture depends, with grave consequences for food security.

A new book on Climate Impacts on Energy Systems, Key Issues for Energy Sector Adaptation  was launched by ESMAP and the World Bank’s Global Expert Team on Climate Adaptation in Washington DC on February 28, 2011.

This paper underscores the importance of the concept of “climate-compatible development” or making development actions “climate neutral” by tackling both vulnerability and green growth in the same policy framework, as well as the relationships between them.

This report examines the risks associated with climate change investing across different asset classes and provides a framework to understand how asset managers can manage these risks.

This case study on proven methods and practices by women in arid areas of India provides lessons for more immediate and sustainable alternatives in dealing with the water and climate crises.

At present, without climate change, the Southwest is relying on the unsustainable withdrawal of groundwater reserves to meet today?s demand; those reserves will be drained over the next century as population and incomes grow. With climate change, the Southwest water crisis will grow far worse.

This document is the Policy Research Working Paper by the World  Bank. Scaling-up adoption of renewable energy technology, such as solar home systems, to expand electricity access in developing countries can accelerate the transition to

In a significant boost to green energy, eight industrial sectors, including power and fertilisers, are set to invest Rs 30,000 crore over the next three years in energy-efficient technology, which will help them save 10 million tonnes of oil equivalent.

The power ministry has notified sectors, including thermal power plants, fertilisers, cement, pulp and paper, textiles, chlor-alkali, iron & st

All you need to do to save the rainforest, improve your diet, better your health, cut global carbon emissions and slash your food budget is eat bugs.

Mealworm quiche, grasshopper springrolls and cuisine made from other creepy crawlies is the answer to the global food crisis, shrinking land and water resources and climate-changing carbon emissions, Dutch scientist Arnold van Huis says.

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