This research aims to develop a model that may be used to determine the effective adaptive measures to implement in a system affected by climate change.

Luong Quang Huy describes a participatory research approach designed to empower local communities in adapting to socio-economic trends and climate change. The project resulted in a framework that encouraged local communities to use reflexively what they already have, such as their knowledge and connections, and to apply critical thinking on a daily basis.

While bringing positive impacts and benefits, cross-border infrastructure projects face additional challenges relative to national projects. Moreover, such projects involve a variety of technical, regulatory, institutional, and legal factors, and their obstacles constrain the development of cross-border infrastructure projects.

This study focuses on the information needs of the financial sector with respect to direct physical risks of climate change impacts. Clearly, there are many issues for the sector relating to mitigation
(i.e. the control of greenhouse gas emissions). Mitigation continues to be the top priority. However, that is not the subject of this study.

This paper is a primer on climate change adaptation for food, beverage, and agriculture (FBA) executives. It summarizes how FBA companies are reporting on climate change risks and opportunities, which include supply chain security, water scarcity, infrastructure and distribution, evolving consumer demands, and workforce stability.

This Framework for Community-Based Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessments in Mountain Areas provides an analytical framework and methodology for assessing environmental and socioeconomic changes affecting the livelihoods of rural, natural resource dependent communities living in mountainous environments.

The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential role of Index-based Disaster Insurance as a tool for climate change adaptation and social protection in developing countries. The paper will first provide an overview of recently piloted micro policies and macro policies.

This report addresses the broad-ranging impact that climate change may have on economies and financial markets over the coming decades.

This report addresses the broad-ranging impact that climate change may have on economies and financial markets over the coming decades.

Climate change has now become a global issue for the inhabitants of the earth.
