NEW DELHI: In an unambiguous reiteration of the government

As the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol comes to a close in 2012, the world faces another decision point at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change meeting in Copenhagen in December.

With the developed world almost dropping the idea of finalising a comprehensive climate agreement at Copenhagen

Britain and the European Union have admitted that hopes are fading for a legally binding climate deal in Copenhagen.
British climate secretary Ed Miliband, who was confident after informal talks of the Major Economies Forum in October that the Copenhagen treaty was doable, told the House of Commons that the chances for a legally-binding treaty in December were very slim.

PRIME Minister Manmohan Singh said on Friday that India was not ready to quantify its carbon emission targets even as the US hoped India would take a leadership role by committing to emission cuts.

Two-hundred-and-fifty billion tonnes. That's the bottom line. If we are serious about avoiding dangerous climate change, 250,000 megatonnes is the maximum amount of carbon we can put into the atmosphere. Keep going at current rates and we will have used up that ration in 20 years.

New Delhi: The penultimate day of Barcelona talks saw India, China and the other G77 nations raise serious concerns at the attempt to hammer out a

EU negotiators held a press conferences at the Barcelona climate talks on 5th Nov 2009.

This document presents transcript of the highlights.

At Barcelona Meet, India Says Rich-Poor Distinction Being Ignored
Nitin Sethi | TNN

AFTER a 24-hour boycott by African delegates, talks resumed in Barcelona on Wednesday. And developing countries kept up the pressure, demanding that the developed countries should cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% below 1990 levels by 2020. This is far more than what is on offer. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
