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Opposition by some developing nations, particularly India and China, may thwart year-long USA-led efforts to secure approval for an international treaty to limit increases in their greenhouse gas

A global oil crisis is just a decade away, warn geologists

A MALAYSIAN national, Keng Liang Wong, was arrested in Mexico for smuggling exotic reptiles into the US and was charged for helping smuggle hundreds of live Komodo dragons, Timor pythons, Chinese

The loggers' chainsaws may not spell doom for tropical forest lands after all

Radio dish pieces which may have picked up some interesting evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence are on sale now. In 1977, search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) programme was carried

Industrialised nations have introduced a Clean Development Mechanism to meet their reduction targets. In the second part of her climate change report, NIKHAT JAMAL QAIYUM examines how these countries perverted the original Brazilian proposal to suit their

Scientist warns of eco degradation : Global warming will result in alarming rise of sea level and submergence of countries like Egypt, Bangladesh an Maldives in 100 years, according to Dr Pradeep

The Sydney futures exchange and the New South Wales government met to discuss the development of a sulphur and carbon emissions trading market. Sydney aims to "take its place with Chicago and London

National targets for reducing greenhouse gases were "well within reach", the UK government said. The UK, which is legally bound to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 12.5 per cent between 1990

Combating global warming was never going to be easy. The UK government's consultation paper on its strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions shows just how difficult it likely to be. Most
