Indications have emerged that Nigeria faces drastic food shortage and price hike in the nearest future if herders-farmers' clashes in the North Central Nigeria continue unabated.

Khartoum — During Sudan's lean season, from May to July, the number of Sudanese requiring food assistance is expected to rise to six million.

How do international and regional tools and services support disaster response in Asia-Pacific? Asia-Pacific is the world’s most disaster-prone region, so disaster management is a regional priority.

The “land question” has invigorated agrarian studies and economic history since Marx and early 20th century writers on agrarian questions. In countries that allow private land ownership, compulsory land acquisition is the right and action of the government to take property not owned by it for public use.

The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Refugee Agency (UNHCR) launched a new handbook to help restore forests in displacement-affected areas, where heavy reliance on woodfuel puts forests and woodlands in jeopardy.

Heavy rains last night caused flooding in parts of Accra, trapping some residents in their homes, submerging vehicles and destroying properties.

Nearly 19-million people were displaced because of climate change in 2017‚ said a senior UN climate leader at the opening of a global conference on climate adaptation in Cape Town on Tuesday.

The UN Refugee Agency released its annual Global Trends study, a report that finds 68.5 million people had been driven from their homes across the world at the end of 2017, primarily because of war and conflict.

In recent years, the Republic of South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation, has often been in the headlines due to the protracted armed conflict which has engulfed the country since December 2013.

Maiduguri — Flooding has left more than 12 000 refugees displaced by the Boko Haram terror group homeless in northeastern Nigeria.
