About 1.85 million people have now been affected by Cyclone Idai and its aftermath in Mozambique alone, U.N.

Rescue teams in Mozambique moved hundreds of people displaced by Cyclone Idai’s massive and deadly flooding to safer shelters on Monday, while the government made preparations for a cholera outbrea

Kenya's leaders have said that the Mau forest is under threat from illegal logging and clearing and waters that used to flow from the forest are now drying up.

Thirty people have died, hundreds injured and more than 6,000 have been displaced by floods in southern Malawi, following days of heavy rains.

More than eight million people need food aid in Ethiopia, a 5 percent rise from last year, due to a surge in violence that has triggered mass displacement as well as the lingering effects of past d

The Standing Committee on Energy present this Forty-Third Report on ‘Hydro-power’ relating to the Ministry of Power. The Committee, considering the greater importance of hydro power and the slow pace of its development in the country, took this subject for detailed examination.

Despite the lack of robust empirical evidence, a growing number of media reports attempt to link climate change to the ongoing violent conflicts in Syria and other parts of the world, as well as to the migration crisis in Europe. Exploiting bilateral data on asylum seeking applications for 157 countries over the period 2006–2015, we assess the determinants of refugee flows using a gravity model which accounts for endogenous selection in order to examine the causal link between climate, conflict and forced migration.

With one billion people on the move or having moved in 2018, migration is a global reality, which has also become a political lightning rod. Although estimates indicate that the majority of global migration occurs within low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), the most prominent dialogue focuses almost exclusively on migration from LMICs to high-income countries (HICs).

Iraq is one of the hottest countries on earth but when heavy rains do hit they can result in casualties and widespread damage because of deteriorating public infrastructure.

The 2019 GEM Report continues its assessment of progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) on education and its ten targets, as well as other related education targets in the SDG agenda. Its main focus is on the theme of migration and displacement.
