LORENGELUP, Kenya, April 6 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - In this part of northwest Kenya, one of the worst droughts in years has left the land littered with carcasses of dead livestock – even hard

The prevalence of diabetes has been shown to be socially patterned but the direction of the association in low-income countries and among migrant populations in Europe has varied in the literature. This study examined the association between socioeconomic position (SEP) and diabetes in Ghanaians in Europe and in Ghana.

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Some 400 million people, a tenth of Asia Pacific's population, live on less than $1.90 a day - the global definition of extreme poverty - despite the region's impressive economic growth, the United

The report finds that although average human development improved significantly across all regions from 1990 to 2015, one in three people worldwide continue to live in low levels of human development, as measured by the Human Development Index.

According to the Delhi Government, the economy of the national Capital is booming with the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) estimated to grow at 12.76 per cent in 2016-17. It claimed that the advance estimate of Delhi at current prices during 2016-17 is likely to attain level of Rs 6,22,385 crore. However, in terms of constant prices, which does not take inflation into account, the economy growth rate saw a decline from 8.82 per cent in 2015-16 to 8.26 per cent in 2016-17 as per advance estimates

Inviting the comments/suggestions/modification on initial Draft National Indicator Framework for Sustainable Development Goals as prepared Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) based on the inputs received from Ministries/Departments.

The publication Youth in India attempts to identify the issues of importance for youth under the broad categories- Population dynamics, marital statistics, fertility & contraception, Mortality & Neonatal Health care, Literacy & Employment and Crime.

This paper is based on a field study carried out in 2015 in two coastal ecotourism areas in The Gambia — Kartong and Tanji. The study investigated sustainability communication by tourism service providers in the context of climate change and ecovillage design education (EDE).

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has been bringing out the publication “Women and Men in India” on a regular basis since 1995. The publication focuses on portraying gender inequality, gender bias and gender discrimination through crucial statistical indicators of socio-economic relevance. The Eighteenth Edition of the publication “Women and Men in India” provides sex-disaggregated data at State and Central level for various social indicators. The publication includes important indicators as derived from published official data of different Ministries/Department/Organisations.

The objective of rapid development of rural population in a sustainable manner with a view to bridging the urban–rural divide would require leveraging knowledge and technology in an environment conducive for innovation. The concept of a CILLAGE that incorporates the best of a city in a village is developed with this objective in mind. A CILLAGE is a knowledge-based ecosystem for integrated education, research, technology development and deployment as well as capacity building in rural areas. The focus of research work at a CILLAGE is on regional problems.
