Traditional hazards such as poor sanitation currently account for most of Africa

Traditional hazards such as poor sanitation currently account for most of Africa


Senior doctors in the U.K. recently published a report warning that climate change is the biggest threat to global health of the 21st century. Rising global temperatures would have a catastrophic effect on human health, the doctors said, and patterns of infection would change, with insect-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever spreading more easily.
Heat waves

Global warming is the biggest global health threat in the 21st century, says a new research. Researchers have claimed climate change will worsen virtually every known health problem

This WHO report formulates a series of recommendations on the most important directions for future work in this field, and how this should be integrated with related areas of public health and climate research.

With the recent dwindling of traditional petroleum supplies, some energy corporations have shifted their attention to oil sands, a mixture of sand, water, and a viscous form of petroleum called bitumen. Despite economic uncertainties in the oil sands market, many in the United States see the resource as a stable, secure alternative to overseas oil, with primary deposits found in Canada.

This Indo-American study of infertility patterns in the Kolkata over two decades reveals link between male infertility and vehicle pollution. This first-of-its-kind study in the subcontinent has been accepted for publication in the research journal Fertility and Sterility.

This health manifesto targeted at the political parties ahead of elections demands for effective measures to achieve the achieve the right to health, which includes the right not only to timely appropriate quality health care but also to the underlying socio economic and environmental determinants of health.

LUCKNOW: The issues concerning climate change and environmental hazards will be presented in a new light of knowledge by at least 100 researchers from across the world at the department of geology, Lucknow University (LU).

Exposure to natural background radiation is an average 2.4 milliGray per year (milliGray or mGy is the unit for measuring radiation dose received per kg of body mass) and is often greater than exposure to human-caused radiation (0.01 mGy per year from nuclear weapons testing, accidents and operations combined) and the average exposure from medical procedures (0.04-1 mGy per year). In Kerala,
