A new study has revealed that the most common soaps, shampoos and detergents do not harm the environment.

To save Lake City from plastic waste, the administration has imposed a complete ban on storage and use of disposable plastic cups, plates and glasses and warned that those violating it could face a

Developmental gains will crumble if India follows a model of growth that is resource-and-energy-intensive. As it is, rivers are degraded, pollution is growing, forest cover's thinning.

Panaji: Goa's Ganesh celebrations have turned eco-friendly, as the use of Plaster of Paris (PoP) in the making of a Ganesh idol has shown a drastic decline from 35% a few years ago, to 0.67% this f

Aiming to encourage green building technology, Chief Minister Oommen Chandy has said that the government would consider granting various concessions for constructing houses using the technology.

Industrial growth requires natural resources and impacts environment. India could do better by accounting for it rather than playing blind

The Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) has ordered suspension of mining operations of Tiffin’s Barytes Asbestos and Paints Ltd (TBAPL) for indulging in “unscientific” mining.

Builder Gains As State Dubs Mahim A Bay

This report focuses on the consequences of environmental crime. It argues that the situation has worsened to the extent that illegal trade in wildlife’s impacts are now acknowledged to go well beyond strictly environmental impacts – by seriously undermining economies and livelihoods, good governance, and the rule of law.

The Fifth GEF Assembly comes at a critical but exciting juncture of the Facility. In two decades, the GEF partnership has made demonstrable contributions to delivering global environmental benefits (GEBs) in accord with its mandate as the financial mechanism for the Rio Conventions.
