This year something else is keeping them awake: In late August the government issued a warning about a potential El Niño weather pattern, associated with changes in weather patterns worldwide.

Farmer unions are now saying that stubble burning is not causing widespread pollution.

The purpose of Working with Smallholders handbook is to enable the development of more sustainable, resilient and productive supply chains for agribusinesses and to illustrate the substantial development impact. Smallholder farmers are both an opportunity and a challenge for food and agribusiness companies.

The fourteenth volume of the Report of the Committee on Doubling Farmers’ Income (DFI) is a compilation of the various subject matter recommendations, which are detailed in the previous Volumes. The recommendations are presented theme-wise where possible, with timelines indicated, to guide the implementing parties.

Farmers, under the banner of the Laghu Kisan Ekta Himachal Pradesh (LKEHP), on Wednesday staged a protest in front of the Vidhan Sabha, demanding ownership rights of both chakauta and shamlat land

Since the last few years, farmers in the Yavatmal region of Maharashtra have been challenged by pests like the pink bollworm on cotton which is assuming menacing proportions, and this year too

South Africa rejected a tweet by Donald Trump about the country's land reform policy and the "large scale killing" of farmers saying the US president was "misinformed".

NAIROBI (Xinhua) -- A majority of Kenyan farmers cannot wait for 2018 to end as the year shapes out to be one of the toughest, thanks to erratic weather.

The Finance Ministry has reportedly asked the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy rework funding plans

President Yoweri Museveni on Sunday launched a new agriculture model that will increase productivity and alleviate the prevailing high unemployment across the country.
