The nuclear power plant project at Jaitapur may have cleared the ground but has run into a hurdle with the finance ministry refusing to provide a blanket guarantee to the project funding.

The Budget division of the ministry has informed Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) that the government would not provide an

Leading financial institutions upped the ante on their future role in mitigating climate change as they called for more effective forest-carbon regulations during a United Nations report launch in London, just months ahead of an international climate change meeting to be held in South Africa.

Political hostility over global-warming policy in the United States is causing collateral damage. Plans for a national Climate Service deserve better. (Editorial)

The microfinance industry in India is in the midst of the most severe crisis in its 25 year history. The genesis of the crisis lies with the actions taken by the government of the southern state of Andhra Pradesh in October 2010, when it passed legislation effectively shutting down all private sector microfinance institutions (“MFIs”) operating in the state.

Infrastructure 2011: A Strategic Priority assesses the state of infrastructure in the United States and around the world, examines what the next few years are likely to hold, and provides recommendations for moving forward on the infrastructure investments and strategies that are needed for regions and countries to continue to prosper and grow.

Expenses related to panchayat elections - Experiences and advice.

A report on Asian Development Bank financed hydropower projects in Himachal Pradesh.

The UNDP has launched a publication titled "Catalyzing Climate Finance – A Guidebook on Policy and Financing Options to Support Green, Low-emission, Climate-resilient Development," which aims to enable countries to better assess the level and nature of assistance they will require to catalyze climate capital based on their national, regional and local circumstances.

The objectives of the project are to support the National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) in:  building capacity of its nascent operational-level institutions, so that they can manage the long-term Ganga clean-up and conservation program; and  implementing a diverse set of demonstrative investments for reducing point-source pollution loads in a sustainable manner, at priority loca

The government has asked public sector banks to increase lending to the agricultural sector.
Top finance ministry officials on Tuesday met public sector bank chiefs in New Delhi to discuss their performance for the previous financial year.

In addition, banks have submitted their business targets for the current financial year, including loans, margins and profit, among others.
