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Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sindhudurg Jilla Shramajivi Rapan Machchimar Sangh & Others Vs Govt.

Identifying the species that are at risk of local extinction in highly diverse ecosystems is a big challenge for conservation science. Assessments of species status are costly and difficult to implement in developing countries with diverse ecosystems due to a lack of species-specific surveys, species-specific data, and other

Coastal communities in South and Southeast Asia are strongly tied to marine and coastal resources that are vital for their food security and livelihoods. Meanwhile, pervasive expansion of the global economy is leading to rapid changes in coastal and marine resources, specifically through overfishing and hasty coastal development.

This Report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture deals with the action taken by the Government on the Observations/Recommendations contained in the Fifty-third Report (Sixteenth Lok Sabha) of the Standing Committee on Agriculture (2017-2018) on the Subject "Scheme on Development of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture- An Analysis" of the Minist

The Australian government has condemned Japan's "regrettable" decision to withdraw from the International Whaling Commission and resume commercial whaling.

Experts from CapeNature are puzzling over a die-off of fish in Groenvlei Lake in the Goukamma Nature Reserve, near Sedgefield.

The World Bank Group announced on Wednesday the creation of PROBLUE, a new multi-donor trust fund that will support healthy and productive oceans by tackling marine pollution, managing fisheries an

The Government has outlined plans which include applying ‘polluter pays principle’ as well as replenishment of River Mugara, River Mukungwa and three ponds owned by farmers in Musanze District with

This report presents the lessons learned from a project in four East African countries – Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda – focusing on youth and their agribusinesses. In Burundi and Rwanda, poultry and eggs were sold to retailers but were also provided to schools to alleviate malnutrition.

WWF has published a report that highlights the capacity of healthy rivers to help mitigate natural disasters, among other less valued benefits. The publication provides a framework for improving how societies measure, value, and promote rivers’ diverse benefits. It also offers solutions to support better decisions and management.
