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A group of researchers has used satellite data from last 25 years to show the rapid rate of sea level increase and how bad it might get by the end of this century.

Urban public space is extraordinarily adaptable under a pattern of relatively stable changes. However, when facing unprecedented and potentially extreme climatic changes, public spaces may not have the same adaptation capacity. In this context, planned adaptation gains strength against “business as usual”. While public spaces are among the most vulnerable areas to climatic hazards, they entail relevant characteristics for adaptation efforts. As such, public space design can lead to effective adaptation undertakings, explicitly influencing urban design practices as we know them.

Order of the Jammu & Kashmir High Court in the matter of Molvi Peer Noor Ul Haq Vs State of Jammu & Kashmir, Srinagar bench dated 07/02/2018.

JAKARTA, Feb 6 (Reuters) - Thousands of residents in Indonesia's capital have been evacuated due to flooding, Jakarta's governor said on Tuesday, though the level of rivers swollen by the release o

The rain that started midday on Sunday was accompanied by heavy wind and ended up damaging at least five houses.

The report discusses the operational monitoring and forecasting aspects of the 2017 southwest monsoon. Various observed global and regional climate patterns associated with the 2017 monsoon have been highlighted.

This brief describes the implementation of index-based flood insurance (IBFI) in countries with large smallhold farming communities to insure farmers against flood losses. The brief outlines the objectives of the IBFI scheme in Bihar, India and identifies key challenges and recommendations.

The study of frequency analysis is important to find the most suitable model that could anticipate extreme events of certain natural phenomena e.g., rainfall, floods, etc. The goal of this study is to determine the best-fit probability distributions in the case of maximum monthly rainfall using 30 years of data (1984–2013) from 35 locations in Bangladesh by using different statistical analysis and distribution types.

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Nearly 1,500 people have been evacuated from homes in the Paris region, with authorities on alert for any major flood risk after the levels of the swollen River Seine rose further on Sunday.

A report by Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany, has alerted that rainfall changes caused by global warming will increase river flood risks across the globe including Afric
