The study suggests climate change is projected to occur "thousands of times faster" than grass species can adapt

University of Guelph plant scientists have shown for the first time how an ancient crop teams up with a beneficial microbe to protect against a devastating fungal infection, a discovery that may be

As climate change continues to alter our planet, humans will soon be forced to find new ways to feed the growing population.

A team of researchers led by the University of Birmingham warns that without significant improvements in technology, global crop yields are likely to fall in the areas currently used for production

One of the biggest concerns about climate change is the effect it will have on agriculture.

LOCAL scientists have finished fully mapping the genetics of hybrid rice to find the genes responsible for better yielding hybrid rice.

Researchers are rethinking plant breeding strategies to improve the development of new high-yielding, stress-tolerant cereal varieties.

Japan and South Korea have both taken steps to block certain imports of U.S.

France will help grain farmers cope with an expected plunge in revenue after torrential rain and a lack of sunshine in late spring hit the country's cereal crops.

An international group of scientists have analysed the DNA of 6,000 year old barley finding that it is remarkably similar to modern day varieties.
