DAVID ANTHONY KING has been chief scientific advisor to the United Kingdom government for 3 years now. Prior to this, he was head of the department of chemistry and Master of Downing College, University of Cambridge. He continues as the 1920


Last year's controversy about food aid from the us containing genetically modified (gm) materials appears to have left African nations wiser. Four

simple remedy: Garlic not only keeps the vampires at bay, but also pests such as slugs and snails, which cause millions of dollars worth of damage in countries with cool or temperate climates.

Notwithstanding the resounding failure of its Bt cotton, Monsanto has begun to introduce another genetically modified crop into India, its proprietary maize variety called Roundup Ready corn. The government s Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation has g

Embattled Blair may put GM crops on the backburner

Herbicide promotes toxic fungi

The Indian government is dead keen on GM crops. But what about a policy first?

Thanks to rapid evolution every life form may survive any amount of pressure from its external environment, a study proposes

T he animal in us may just be a rat. A team of researchers from the National Human Gen

A three-year moratorium has been put on the use of genetically modified organisms (gmos) in the state of Victoria in Australia. The need for comprehensive inquiry and public debate on the contentious
