Past three months saw windfarms produce more electricity than any other source for first time, trade body says

Afforestation, planting trees in an area where there have previously been no trees, can reduce the effect of climate change by cooling temperate regions, finds a study in BioMed Central's open acce

German Economy Minister Philipp Roesler has condemned proposals by the environment minister to limit electricity price rises for consumers as "illusory solutions" that were doomed to failure, Der S

Germany and six other EU nations hold the key to the decision on a rescue plan for the world's biggest carbon market after prices slumped due to record oversupply, three EU officials with knowledge

Germany's upper house of parliament passed a resolution on Friday urging Chancellor Angela Merkel's government to tighten the rules for controversial modern drilling techniques, or fracking, for un

A German non-governmental organisation formally handed over the control of six earthquake early warning systems to Azad Kashmir’s State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA).

The European Commission has proposed that member states restrict the use of certain classes of pesticide that are believed to be harmful to bees.

Germany's Bayer CropScience blasted a European Commission proposal as "draconian" after Brussels said it wants to suspend all use of neonicotinoids products in crops attractive to bees for two year

The European Commission is considering law to ban pesticides linked to the decline of bees, a spokesman said on Friday.

The number of wind turbines built in European waters is lagging behind targets by nearly 1,000 megawatts (MW), the equivalent of around 330 turbines, an industry report showed on Sunday.
