UK aims for lower carbon footprint with more clean energy generation

Bangalore’s unprecedented fall into the depths of waste management standards has triggered global attention, even a dramatic New York Times article.

While many took offence at this inglorious attack on the city’s image, the civic agencies might have to depend on international help to arrest this dangerous slide into absolute chaos. German help, to be precise. On a visit to Bangalore, the German State Secretary for Economic Cooperation, Gudrun Kopp elaborated on this vital input and how the experience of Germany’s enduring 12-year partnership with the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) on waste management might just turn the tide.

This paper examines the development of the solar PV and wind industries across China, Germany, India, Japan, and the United States from 2001–2011.

Because of its fluctuating nature, the feed-in of renewable energy sources into low-voltage distribution grids complicates the balancing of demand and supply. This carries the risk of grid instabilities causing damage to electronic devices and power outages, which eventually lead to deadweight losses. In principle, the problems arising from fluctuating feed-in can be solved by increasing demand elasticity or decoupling generation and consumption; for the first, an advanced metering infrastructure and, for the second, decentralized electricity storage are considered core enablers.

Lahore—A memorandum of understanding was signed between Punjab government and German company AEG for cooperation in solar energy sector under which solar energy projects of at least 50 to 100 megaw

As the mood in Japan, Germany, Italy and even France hardens, China is restarting a £170bn reactor programme and India is looking to atomic power to shore up its creaking grid

EU environment ministers clashed over a huge surplus of UN pollution permits, a technical spat with the potential to derail international efforts to tackle climate change.

Logjam over funding pushes talks beyond closing time at biodiversity summit

The Convention on Biological Diversity summit ran into overtime on Friday night, as nations struggled to find a way out of the logjam on funding talks, negotiating far beyond their scheduled closing time. While countries have set ambitious goals — called the Aichi Targets — to protect the world's plants, animals and natural habitats by 2020, they could not agree on how to raise the money needed to reach these goals until this article went to press.

Plant will manufacture agricultural implements, hydraulic reversible plough, seedbed preparation implements, cultivators & disc harrows

Germany based Agro equipment manufacturer Lemken GmbH & Co. KG has set up a manufacturing plant in Nagpur with the investment of Rs 60 crore. The plant will manufacture agricultural implements, hydraulic reversible plough, seedbed preparation implements, cultivators & disc harrows. This Lemken's first manufacturing plant out of Europe.

Subsidies levied on German consumers to support renewable power will rise by 47 percent next year, putting pressure on Chancellor Angela Merkel's ruling coalition to keep energy costs in check ahea
