The survivors of Bhopal gas tragedy have termed the decision of German International Cooperation (GIZ) to backtrack from the project to incinerate over 350 tonnes of toxic waste from the Union Carb

French President Francois Hollande on Friday called for deeper cuts in European Union carbon dioxide emissions as he sought to put the environment back at the top of the international agenda.

In a strong bid to promote energy conservation in the residential sector, German KfW Development Bank is providing a loan of euro 50 million to National Housing Bank (NHB) for refinancing housing loans to buy energy efficient housing units.

KfW has pushed a similar scheme in Germany, where it provided loans to the tune of euro 40 billion for 1.8 billion “green” housing units. This helped substantively bring energy consumption down in the residential sector in Germany. India currently has 246.7 million households but the focus of the NHB is to target households that want to purchase flats in `50-70 lakhs bracket.

Results from the 3rd edition of the Global Green Economy Index (GGEI) show that expert practitioners in the green economy rank Germany as the top national green performer while an index defined by 32 datasets scoring country performance places Denmark on top.

Agricultural expansion and deforestation contribute to approximately 17% of global greenhouse-gas emissions. The fate of cleared wood and subsequent carbon storage as wood products, however, has not been consistently estimated. Now research fills this gap and shows that 30 years after forest clearance the percentage of carbon stored in wood products and landfills ranges from about 0% to 62% globally.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she hopes the ongoing solar dispute between Chinese and European photovoltaic companies can be solved through talks instead of launching an investigation, the c

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet approved a draft law on Wednesday to accelerate the expansion of offshore windparks, a crucial part of a planned shift to green energy from nuclear.

Chinese and German leaders said on Thursday that China and Europe should try to resolve their current dispute over solar panel import duty through consultations and avoid anti-dumping proceedings.

The proposal of German development agency Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to dispose of the 350 tonnes of toxic waste lying at the Union Carbide factory in Bhopal has

Germany's energy strategy will cost consumers dearly as costs for new renewable power generation units and networks must be passed on, the head of the German unit of Swedish state-owned energy grou
