India's initiative in the renewable energy sector has received praise in the report on renewable energy trends in 2011, launched, on Monday, by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century.

India's National Solar Mission helps the country spur an impressive 62 per cent increase in investments to $12 billion during the year, the fastest investment expansion of any large renewables market in the world, the report says.

Five non-government organisations representing victims of the 1984 Bhopal gas disaster on Monday described the latest decision taken at the meeting of Group of Ministers to send 350 tonnes of hazardous waste from the abandoned Union Carbide pesticide plant to Germany for safe disposal was a vindication of their long-standing demand on the issue.

They described this as a “minor but significant victory” in their 22 year long battle. At a press conference here, the organisations pointed out that the GoM’s decision has highlighted the toxic nature of Union Carbide’s waste and the ongoing dangers posed by the thousands of tonnes of hazardous waste in and around the abandoned pesticide factory.

A German firm selected to remove toxic waste from the Bhopal gas leak site has said it would require over 4,000 special containers approved by the United Nations as well as trained experts for the

The majority of planned nuclear power closures globally are forecast to take place in Europe, with 150 plants in line for closure by 2030.

Union Home Minister P Chidambaram, who is heading a Group of Ministers on the Bhopal gas tragedy, is unaware of the facts regarding extradition of then CEO of Union Carbide Corporation Warren Ander

European environment ministers are expected to reopen a difficult debate later this month on deeper EU carbon emissions cuts, but a draft text ahead of the meeting stops short of any firm targets.

France said it plans to ban a pesticide made by Swiss agro-chemical group Syngenta that is widely used to treat rapeseed crops after scientists suggested it could pose danger to bees.

European environment ministers are expected to reopen a difficult debate later this month on deeper EU carbon emissions cuts, but a draft text ahead of the meeting stops short of any firm targets.

The blazing blue skies that Germany baked under last weekend added a fresh gleam to the nation's renewable energy revolution: a new world record for solar power generation, equivalent to 20 nuclear

Greenhouse gas emissions for the European Union increased in 2010, despite the economic recession and policies intended to tackle climate change.
