Scientists from 15 countries are calling for a better political response to the provision of water and energy to meet the challenge of feeding a world of 9 billion people within 30 years.

Old divisions between developed and developing countries in who should lead the fight against climate change should be laid aside, according to ministers from some of the world's poorest countries and European representatives meeting on May 8.

The vexed issue of which countries should bear the greatest responsibility for cutting greenhouse gas emissions has been a sticking point in international negotiations for two decades. Under the original settlement reached in 1992 at the Rio Earth summit, and formalised in the 1997 Kyoto protocol, some rapidly emerging economies such as China were left out of the roster of obligations to curb emissions.

German pharmaceutical company Bayer AG has formally lodged a challenge against a landmark Indian ruling that allowed a domestic generic drug-maker to produce a low-cost version of an anti-cancer drug for the Indian market. The appeal was filed on Friday 4 May with India's Intellectual Property Appellate Board.

Europe's economic slump is allowing utilities in some countries to burn increasing amounts of cheap, highly polluting coal for electricity generation and still meet legally binding targets to cut c

Europe's economic slump is allowing utilities in some countries to burn increasing amounts of cheap, highly polluting coal for electricity generation and still meet legally binding targets to cut c

The world's solar power generating capacity will grow by between 200 and 400 percent over the next five years, with Asia and other emerging markets overtaking leadership from Europe, a European ind

India launched its solar programme called the National Solar Mission (NSM) in 2009. Besides, Gujarat launched its own programme at the state level. About 140 MW of capacity have come up under the NSM and 600 MW under the Gujarat solar programme. Under the NSM, price of solar power was determined through an auctioning process.

Australia and New Zealand have missed a deadline to set post-2012 emission reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol, with both governments saying they will decide whether to continue to be legall

Britain's North Sea has the potential to lead the world in offshore wind and carbon capture and storage technology, British Prime Minister David Cameron said as over 20 companies signed a deal to t

The promotion of sustainable alternate energy sources, fuels other than oil and energy-efficient equipment are among strategies initiated in the country to achieve energy security, P. Sivakumar, Director, Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment (CVRDE), said on Thursday.

Speaking at the 21 convocation day at Sathyabama University, the scientist said only 1 per cent of the country's total power requirement was met by renewable sources, unlike in the case of Denmark and Germany where 25 per cent and 16 per cent respectively of energy requirements were met by wind energy.
