But a workshop on equity at the climate inter-sessional refused to move beyond well-embedded party demarcations. It was India, which at last year’s climate negotiations at Durban had insisted on bringing the principle of equity back into the agenda for tackling climate change. The concept, which not so long ago had almost fallen off the climate agenda now features in almost everyone’s negotiation agenda at the mid-year climate change meeting at Bonn.

Europe has been operating huge wind turbines offshore for more than a decade, while here in the U.S., this cutting edge clean technology seems perennially "five years off."

British MPs address letter to Manmohan, Jayalalithaa

To reach its strict climate targets and fulfill Chancellor Angela Merkel's nuclear exit plans, Germany needs to avoid coal and build a stack of gas power plants to secure clean energy supplies beyo

NEW DELHI: On the second day of the Bonn climate change negotiations, the US, the EU and other developed countries tried to stall discussions on whether the rich countries had met their obligations

As climate change negotiators settle into their familiar roles at their first major meeting since COP 17 in Durban, South Africa, climate watchers will have their eyes fixed on the 14-25 May UNFCCC gathering in Bonn, Germany to see how the tenuous December deal - struck by sleep-deprived negotiators at the eleventh hour - is settling in six months on. With continued economic hardship among Annex I (developed) countries, this year's Bonn meeting will be a telling barometer for what to expect when parties meet in Doha this November for COP 18.

Assures house there will be no compromise on safety of atomic plants

Strongly favouring nuclear power, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said there would be no compromise on safety of atomic plants and it would be harmful to close the additional source of energy. "It would be harmful for the country to pass an ordinance on denial of nuclear power," Singh said replying to supplementaries during Question Hour in the Lok Sabha.

As all countries take actions to reduce emissions the unresolved question is to what extent fairness will be the basis for international cooperation

German utility RWE started construction of its fourth wind farm in Poland on Thursday as part of a renewable energy development plan, even though the government aims to cut the amount of state supp

The German parliament's upper house suspended the government's proposed cuts in subsidies for the solar power industry on Friday and referred them to a mediation committee, in a setback for Chancel
