“THE quieter the evening, the more you hear it,” says Wilfried Bockholt, mayor of Niebüll in North Friesland. He mimics the sound of a 55-metre-long rotor whirling round a windmill’s mast.

A coalition of countries and agencies seeking to curb Earth-warming pollutants like soot released by wood-fired ovens and methane from oil extraction, on Tuesday welcomed seven new members to its f

Chancellor Angela Merkel warned on Monday that global warming will accelerate at a dramatic rate unless leaders reach a deal on limiting greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible.

Study calculated each country's efforts to reduce energy use in industry, transport, and buildings as well as overall policies

60% Indian respondents not happy with govt?s direction, finds Pew Centre study situation no better in rest of the world, either

There are now figures to back the frustration. The sentiment of disappointment sweeping through the country — as the government falters on delivering promised growth, undertaking key reforms and implementing its agenda for inclusive growth — is not just real but has, in fact, worsened over the last year. Nearly 60 per cent of Indians today, up from 47 per cent last year, are dissatisfied with the direction in which the country is headed, the Pew Global Attitudes Project's 2012 spring survey has revealed. With 77 per cent putting the blame for the mess squarely at the doors of the government.

Even as Japan begins cranking up its nuclear reactors again, Tokyo has launched a scheme it hopes will spark a green-energy revolution and put the country at the leading edge of renewables.

The Gas Relief and Rehabilitation department on Friday constituted a committee to examine proposals for disposal of chemical wastes at the Union Carbide site.

The latest spacecraft in Europe's long-running Meteosat series has just gone into orbit on an Ariane rocket.

China will lead the world's renewable energy development, accounting for 40 percent of the growth from 2011 to 2017, according to a report published by the International Energy Agency on July 5.

Astronomers: ‘Unseen Substance’ Spotted For First Time.
