The European Commission is considering legal action against Germany over its new international airport in Berlin because of environmental concerns, marking a further setback for the project which h

Germany's environment and economy ministers are still at odds over a possible reform of Europe's system of permits to cut carbon emissions but will try to reach a consensus early next year, Environ

Capital subsidies for renewable energy, both off-grid and on-grid, have been abandoned in favour of some kind of generation based incentives or other financial instruments like soft loans in the case of off-grid solar in almost all parts of the world. The draft of JNNSM, Phase II continues this conservative approach to funding renewable energy projects, says CSE.

The Green Climate Fund ( GCF), conceived three years back to help poor countries cope with climate change, remains nothing more than an empty shell.

Increased use of information and communication technology (ICT) such as video-conferencing and smart building management could cut global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 16.5% by 2020, a study by

Equity has been central to the multilateral negotiations on climate change mitigation and adaptation between the South and the North.

German car manufacturers are seeking to widen a loophole in EU regulations that would allow them to produce more cars with carbon emissions above a 2020 EU target.

With a strong tradition of recycling and incinerating, it now has too many waste-to-energy incinerators and not enough rubbish to meet demand.

Germany's environment minister has come out in support of a European Commission proposal to prevent the collapse of its instrument for cutting carbon emissions by withdrawing some emission permits

New Delhi India has been ranked by the World Trade Organization (WTO) as the seventh largest player in the global services trade with the value of exports and imports aggregating $261 billion in 2011.

With exports at $137 billion and imports at $124 billion, India is one of the five countries among the top 10 players that ended 2011 with a surplus of trade in commercial services, according to a WTO report.
