Small investors in Schleswig-Holstein spearhead renewable energy revolution: Energy Minister Robert Habeck

Why India’s health insurance models frustrate and exclude a large part of the population.

The European Union has come in for criticism from emerging economies for forming a new, parallel alliance with the African, Caribbean and Pacific nations at the Paris Climate to influence key aspec

Provisions in the new near-final outcome text would deal a blow to small island states and coastal countries that experience more intense weather events such as the Chennai floods.

The draft outcome was barely sufficient to justify the time and effort expended at Paris.

Raising global climate ambition to confine future temperature rise to 1.5°C over the 2°C aimed for so far is a laudable goal, but needs a sharp reallocation of the available carbon budget and massi

Country burns one-seventh of the coal consumed by the top two nations: Prakash Javadekar.

India’s strategy at the Paris Climate Change summit will be to work with emerging economies and press the developed world to concede that responsibility for cutting carbon emissions after 2020 cann

Logjam over funding pushes talks beyond closing time at biodiversity summit

The Convention on Biological Diversity summit ran into overtime on Friday night, as nations struggled to find a way out of the logjam on funding talks, negotiating far beyond their scheduled closing time. While countries have set ambitious goals — called the Aichi Targets — to protect the world's plants, animals and natural habitats by 2020, they could not agree on how to raise the money needed to reach these goals until this article went to press.

At a presentation on the sidelines of COP 11 they reveal the result of their efforts

Arunachal Pradesh is helping tribal residents use ‘globally significant medicinal plants’ for livelihood security through community management of forests. The State has a staggering 500 medicinal plant species, and more than half the forests come under the control of the indigenous people. At a presentation on indigenous and new approaches to natural resource management in the State, held on the sidelines of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity here on Thursday, tribal practitioners said they had set up seven Medicinal Plant Conservation Areas (MPCAs).
