The Khangchendzonga National Park is a part of the eastern Himalaya global biodiversity hotspot and is located in the Sikkim state of India. Increasing livestock populations coupled with the government policy to ban grazing and its selective implementation resulted in conflict. Hence we undertook this multidisciplinary study involving consultations with traditional resource users, field surveys, and remote sensing.

In the food web, herbivores are established to play an important role in maintaining the ecological health of an ecosystem by consuming a sizeable quantity of available vegetation. With the evolution of biodiversity conservation theory, grazing and browsing of herbivores has been generally treated as an unsustainable practice for long-term conservation of wild flora.

Jasrota Wildlife Sanctuary, with an area of 10.04 km2, is situated on the right bank of the Ujh river in district Kathua, J&K State. The mammals of Jasrota Wildlife Sanctuary represent 4.3% of the total mammals (372 species) recorded by Hossetti

Studies of three short projects in North Sikkim to document some of the biogeographic history including some of the traditional methods of wildlife conservation and subsistence lifestyles among the truly nomadic Dokpas in the cold desert and partially trans-humant Bhutia tribals of Lachen and Lachung valleys, who practice the Dzumsa traditional system of administration were conducted.

The Khangchendzonga National Park, located in Sikkim is a part of the Eastern Himalaya biodiversity hotspot. Traditional sheep herding practices in the park based on village consultations and field surveys to understand the population trend, migration pattern, fodder preferences, incomes and benefit sharing, ecological impacts and risk mitigation techniques were analysed.

In the present publication, thirty technologies and approaches from the Nepal Conservation Approaches and Technologies (NEPCAT) database, documented using the WOCAT tool, are being published as printed fact sheets to facilitate sharing with a wider audience.

The species diversity and richness indices in JFM managed and adjacent scrub forests of Doni indicates the success of JFM approach in Karnataka. The Importance Value Index, Shannon and Simpson's diversity indices were analyzed for both JFM managed and adjacent scrub forests.

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Of late, cattle herders of Merak and Sakteng have been looking for a solution to a new problem that they say could slowly threaten their livelihood.

Yak and cattle herders in the remote dungkhag say that their pastureland is slowly shrinking after a huge portion of it was absorbed by the 650 sq km Sakteng wildlife sanctuary.

This research aims to investigate change and transformation of open pastoral social-ecological systems in Mongolia and develop climate change adaptation options for pastoral communities with participation of herders, local and national governmental officers and scientists.
