Bird flu cases soaring in Vietnam

New SARS cases in China

An in vivo experiment was conducted to study the potential prebiotic effects of mushroom and herb polysaccharide extracts, Lentinus edodes extract (LenE), Tremella fuciformis extract, and Astragalus membranaceus Radix extract, on chicken growth and the cecal microbial ecosystem, as compared with the antibiotic Apramycin (APR). This investigation was carried out in terms of a dose-response study. The chickens were naturally infected with avian Mycoplasma gallisepticum prior to the experiment.

Fast food advertising in vending machines in schools have been banned in Scotland. The move has been hailed as a breakthrough in the fight against child obesity. From this point of view, the ban is timely: among the age group 16 24 in Britain, 32 per cent

• breakthrough of the year: In 2003, new evidence cemented the bizarre idea that the universe, made mostly of mysterious

Twenty years ago around half a million people were exposed to toxic chemicals during a catastrophic gas leak from a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India. More than 7,000 people died within days. A further 15,000 died in the following years. Around 100,000 people are suffering chronic and debilitating illnesses for which treatment is largely ineffective.

More than 7,000 people died within a matter of days when toxic gases leaked from a chemical plant in Bhopal, India in December 1984. Since then, exposure to the toxins has resulted in the deaths of a further 15,000 people as well as chronic and debilitating illnesses for thousands of others. The plant site has not been cleaned up so toxic wastes continue to pollute

More than 7,000 people died within a matter of days when toxic gases leaked from a chemical plant in Bhopal, India in December 1984. Since then, exposure to the toxins has resulted in the deaths of a further 15,000 people as well as chronic and debilitating illnesses for thousands of others. The plant site has not been cleaned up so toxic wastes continue to pollute

Kicking the soft drink habit is a critical step for achieving lasting health and weight loss. Avoiding soft drinks can literally transform the health and cause to lose weight, reverse symptoms of diabetes, enhance bone density, support healthy brain function and even protect the body's nervous system.

A briefing paper on "pesticide contamination and food safety" - The CSE studies on pesticides in water and soft drinks, pesticides contamination and its health impacts, regulatory apparatus and processes, right to clean water and the industrial use of water.
