Managing transformations in shifting cultivation areas is fundamental to agricultural development in the uplands of northeast (NE) India and an important element of the Act East Policy. Transformation of shifting

This study is an effort to contribute to the empirical literature on the diverse patterns of migration, adaptation measures by households facing environmental changes, and the role of migration in augmenting household adaptive capacities in four river basins of the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region, namely the Gandaki, the Indus, the Upper Ganga

This framework document aims to introduce a proactive approach to assess adaptation needs and encourage timely adaptation.

This framework document aims to introduce a proactive approach to assess adaptation needs and encourage timely adaptation.

Niti Aayog has suggested setting up of an overarching 'Himalayan Authority' for coordinating integrated and holistic development of hilly states at the foothills of Himalayan region. The government think tank has recommended that the proposed authority should provide strategic guidance for development of the region in a sustained manner.

Recognizing the uniqueness of the Himalayas and the challenges for sustainable development, NITI Aayog had set up 5 Working Groups (WGs) in June 2017 to prepare a roadmap for actions in 5 thematic areas.

Nearly 30 per cent of springs crucial to water security of people are drying and 50 per cent have reported reduced discharge, stated a report readied by five working groups set up by NITI Aayog to recognize the uniqueness of the Himalayas and the challenges of sustainable Development.

Three decades after its first mission to Antarctica, the government is refocusing priorities to the other pole — the Arctic — because of opportunities and challenges posed by climate change.

Report of the Commissioner in the matter of Birendra Singh Vs Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change & Others dated July 2018 regarding constructions being carried out by M/s Devanya Resorts Pvt Ltd. which aims to create a township in an ecologically sensitive area, Jilling Estate village, Patti: Sarna, Tehsil: Dhari, District Nainital, Uttarakhand. The Applicant has alleged that this will cause damage to the ecology and hindrance to the free movement of the wildlife.

India is committed to follow the green path but needs technology and finance as it continues to work to meet objectives of the international environmental conventions, an Indian official said here
