In Nepal, development projects often focus on policy issues such as rights-based approaches, with less emphasis on livelihoods. The impact on the poor of such an approach is often not immediately visible. This article describes how an NGO helps rural households to start home gardening, independent from local landlords or far-away markets.

Wild vegetable with high iron and calcium content A large number of people in the Himalayan region, particularly in remote areas, depend on a variety of plants. In far-flung rural settlements, where vegetable cultivation is not practised and market supplies are not organized, local inhabitants depend on indigenous vegetables, both cultivated in kitchen gardens and growing wild. Among

Heat a little bit of mustard oil, add some uncrushed jakhiya (Cleome viscosa) or cumin seeds, whole red chillies and salt to taste. Add pieces of fronds and stir it till it matches your idea of being

Bamboo sector in Kerala is labour intensive in nature and its employment potential is very high. Value added production, skilled labour and scientific method of production will ensure profit and employment opportunities in the sector. The livelihood security of the MBDs (Marginalised Bamboo Dependents) can be enhanced and improved through increased accessibility to raw material and market, skill development and adequate sustainable institutional support.

The farming system in the Uttaranchal Himalaya comprises of agricultural crops, horticulture, herb culture, the garden practices and nurseries and fruit plantation or reforestation. These practices reflect the diversity in all respects. The farming of crops is mostly traditional.

The rate at which indigenous Rice varieties are getting depleted is extremely alarming. It is becoming increasingly clear that to maintain biodiversity in farmers

Home-garden-system is an ecosystem of different kind and a common feature of most suburban landscape in many rice farming tropical countries. If these kinds of ecosystems are well maintained, well-developed and used most sustainably; they can contribute a lot to the conservation of biological diversity by lessening the destructive use of the few nature reserves and forest ecosystems remaining.

In Kerala, the homestead farming is the most prevalent type of land use system covering about 88% of the total landholding and about 41% of the total cultivable area of the state.

Flowers are unquestionably la mode in India
