Global population growth exerts stresses on river basins that provide food, water, energy and other ecosystem services. In some basins, evidence is emerging of failures to satisfy these demands. This paper assembles data from nine river basins in a framework that relates water and food systems to development. The framework provides a consistent basis for analysis of the water and food problem globally, while providing insight into specific conditions within basins.

Whereas once the Indus Waters Treaty could correctly be described as a beacon of light in an otherwise gloomy relationship between India and Pakistan, this is no longer so. The odds now are that the crumbling IWT will be a cause for further tension and conflict between India and Pakistan.

Declan Walsh

Ali Hussain's sun-beaten face cracked into a broad smile, revealing a set of ferociously rotten, red-stained teeth corroded by years of chewing tobacco and betel nut. He had been asked his opinion of this year's flood.

The report by Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses is premised on the fact that India is facing a serious water resource problem and is expected to become 'water stressed' by 2025 and 'water scarce' by 2050.

Jayadeva Ranade

Tibet has been part of India

Pakistan ordered the immediate evacuation of up to 600,000 people from towns and villages along southern reaches of the Indus River as unprecedented monthlong floods swept toward the sea.

By Sanjeev Pargal

JAMMU, Aug 20: The State Government has sought a 13 per cent increase in free power to Jammu and Kashmir from the power projects being manned by the National Hydro-electric Power Corporation (NHPC) as a part of compensation for huge losses suffered by the State on account of Indus Water Treaty.

New warnings have been issued in Pakistan as floods spread in the southern province of Sindh. Rising waters there have forced many thousands of people to flee, adding to the millions already needing emergency assistance. After broaching some of its embankments, the Indus river is now as wide as 28km in some places.

Snow and glacial melt are important hydrologic process in the Himalayan basins and changes in temperature and precipitation are expected to seriously affect the melt characteristics. Melt water is extremely important in the Indus basin and important for the Brahmaputra basin.
