This paper tries to argue that terms such as

Doing Business investigates the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Doing Business in India 2009 presents quantitative indicators to measure the regulations affecting 7 stages in the life of a business: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, registering property, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, and closing a business.

Cheek-by-jowl with swanky offices and multiplexes, exists an economy that lives by the tree. SALIL CHATURVEDI zooms in on Delhi

As part of contribution by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to the ongoing dialogue on the impact of the global financial crisis, present in this collection some

In Kolkata, pavement hawking is an everyday phenomenon and hawkers represent one of the largest, more organised and more militant sectors in the informal economy. This note documents the hawkers

The FAO document on the key challenges to seed security in developing countries. It contributes to and develops the seed security-related aspects of FAO

Contrary to conventional economic theories, the relationship between income growth and the share of the population within the rural or agricultural sector is extremely diverse, even among regions starting from similar levels of development, such as Asia and Africa. The pattern in developing Asia is characterized by

The movement of inhabitants from a squatter settlement to a resettlement colony can be perceived as a rise in the status of slum dwellers. The slum dwellers of the resettlement colonies now have a better housing with security of tenancy. Also, they earn more than before, both in relative and absolute terms.

Government study kicks up the supermart vs small store debate At a time when efforts are being made in the West to bring back small retailers into the mainstream, the Indian government has come up with a study that lauds the role of big retail chains. It claims that the growth of supermarts in India will not harm street vendors and small shop owners, and will only spur a healthy competition

This paper tracks the organizational and financial history of the Integrated Village Development Project (IVDP) and the self-help group (SHG) network it supports in Tamil Nadu, India.
