Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) will clean River Thange in Kibwezi East Constituency where one of its punctured pipes spilled oil into the environment.

Kenya is in the last stage of adopting genetically modified organisms if an application to secure a licence to supply cotton seeds is approved.

The Israeli government has donated items worth Sh1 million to more than 1,000 families affected by floods in Migori county.

Garbage has started pilling up in several back streets in Nairobi after strategies City Hall had come up with, to streamline waste disposal management, failed to work.

ATHI RIVER deputy county commissioner Kodeck Makori has announced a cholera outbreak in Athi River town.

He addressed a public baraza in the town on Wednesday.

Elephants may be keeping up with their social networks despite being hunted.

The government has received a Sh15 billion grant from Denmark to improve governance structures, health and environment.

Countries in the World Trade Organization (WTO) have agreed to abolish subsidies on farming exports.

The Lake Turkana wind project will start generating power next year, Denmark Foreign Affairs minister Kristian Jensen said yesterday.

Touted as the city in the sun, and the only city with a national park within it, Nairobi's future to sticking to that iconic status is slowly fading away.
