The vice chairman of the Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Raghunath Singh Negi headed a protest at Gandhi Park against the allegedly partial attitude of the Central Government regarding the permission for mining in the rivers of Uttarakhand.

Addressing the protest gathering on Sunday, Negi said,

Chandigarh To involve private sector in healthcare, the Uttaranchal government has struck a public-private partnership deal.

If everything goes as per plan regarding distribution of cheaper rations under the Atal Khadyann Yojana, Kumaon will soon have a separate Seed Development Corporation on the pattern of the Terai Seed Development Corporation, which is earning `six crore per annum by selling seed to other States.

Speaking to The Pioneer, a Secretary said the people currently engage in farming for their own consum

Rates at which CO2 is being sequestered in two different forest types of Himalaya was computed. For comparative study degraded and non-degraded sites of pine and oak forests in Kumaun Central Himalaya were selected. The Van Panchayats (VPs) or community forests are managing the non degraded forest sites for centuries.

Landscape changes were measured in two watersheds of western Himalayas over a period of 17 years using satellite images. Whereas the total forest cover was found to have been altered, there was substantial shift

We report here an attempt to develop a Database Management System (DBMS) of bio-geo-hydrometeorological parameters needs of the stakeholders
of local level planning for a representative watershed (viz. the Khulgad in Almora district) of Kumaun, Lesser Himalayan terrain in the Uttarakhand. The Khulgad DBMS is constituted of five Geographic Information System (GIS) modules.

Drinking water scarcity in the region seems to have created a drought like situation. The matter of fact is that as many as 73 areas including 22 urban cities, 31 villages and 20 other colonies in five districts of Kumaon division are reeling under severe water crisis , while as part of contingency measures the concerned department has only 38 tankers to supply water to these affected areas.

The State Government is going to exchange male sheep of Kumaon and Garhwal regions in order to promote outbreeding among the said species in view of their declining strength and poor production of wool per sheep over the years.

This article concerns itself with two problems in developing countries: human development and biodiversity. Apparently they are conflicting objectives, and more so in the protected areas of the developing countries, where the poor have to depend on forest resources for their survival.

Three lakes (Nainital, Sattal and Naukuchiatal) in the Kumaun Himalayan region were investigated for total organic carbon and nitrogen, their atomic ratios and isotopic composition in their sediments. These geochemical proxies measured in 34-45 cm long cores indicate that organic matter preserved in the lake sediments is primarily derived from algal matter.

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