Water quality in the country's offshore areas is deteriorating, even though the amount of wastewater discharged into the sea dropped last year, a report has found.

A huge bloom of toxic algae has spread in the Baltic Sea, forcing people off beaches but delighting scientists who research cancer and antibiotics

Prior to the back-to-back bleaching events that hit the Great Barrier Reef in 2016 and 2017, the UNESCO World Heritage Site had suffered two other bouts of extensive bleaching in the past two decad

The UN Development Program (UNDP) on Thursday launched a 4 million U.S dollar program for environmental conservation in Kenya.

The UN Development Program (UNDP) on Thursday launched a 4 million U.S dollar program for environmental conservation in Kenya.


Fish are losing their sense of smell as rising carbon emissions turn the water they live in to acid.

Protection for dolphins and seabirds will be weaker under government plans for Brexit than if Britain stayed in the EU, according to a new analysis by environmental groups.

Mineral exploitation has spread from land to shallow coastal waters and is now planned for the offshore, deep seabed. Large seafloor areas are being approved for exploration for seafloor mineral deposits, creating an urgent need for regional environmental management plans. Networks of areas where mining and mining impacts are prohibited are key elements of these plans.

KOLKATA: With water now gushing into the holds of MV SSL Kolkata, experts have given up all hope of salvaging the ship. Oil spill is a concern for experts.
