For the first time a “tipping point” molecular link between the blood sugar glucose and Alzheimer’s disease has been established by scientists, who have shown that excess glucose damages a vital en
• A new vaccine-based treatment for HIV has succeeded in suppressing the virus in five patients, raising hopes further research could help prevent Aids without the need for daily drugs.
An experimental malaria vaccine protected healthy subjects from infection with a malaria strain different from that contained in the vaccine, according to a study published today in the Proceedings
The study, which was led by a team from The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) at the University of York, found that in 2010, about 2.7 million preterm births globally – or 18% of all pre-term b
A Chinese scientist has participated in making recommendations for human gene editing that cover basic laboratory research, and somatic and germline (heritable) genome editing, according to the Chi
The ninth G-FINDER survey reports on 2015 global investment into research and development (R&D) of new products for neglected diseases, and identifies trends and patterns across the nine years of global G-FINDER data.
University of Rochester Medical Center scientists have discovered new essential information about omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish oil and how they could be used for asthma patients.