In India, peri-urban areas are too often neglected. Many people live in poverty and face increasing marginalisation and food insecurity. Yet peri-urban agriculture could be a major contributor to poverty alleviation and food security.

The living tradition of diverse and healthy Indian food has a huge economic potential and will attract large scale investments as well as create more job opportunities, Amitabh Kant has said.

SC is clearly displeased with casual response from states.

This quick assessment has been carried out by Centre for Science and Environment to ascertain how switching from biomass-based solid fuels to cleaner liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for cooking of midday meals in anganwadis (day care centres that facilitate informal learning under supervision) in Bihar can help reduce exposure of children to toxic

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Malnutrition in India, 16/12/2016. The National Food Security Act, 2013 is being implemented in all the States/Union Territories (UTs). State/UT-wise detail of coverage determined under the Act for receiving highly subsidized foodgrains and the current coverage, based on identification of eligible

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Review of Mid Day Meal Scheme, 18/07/2016. Under Mid Day Meal Scheme, hot cooked meals are provided to 10.03 crore children in 11.50 lakh institutions on every working day of the school. Despite this scale of operations, only 95 complaints of misappropriation/corruption have been received during the last three years. State-wise number of such complaints is annexed.

A taskforce set up by Niti Aayog on eliminating poverty released its report dealing in detail on how key government initiatives can contribute to uplift of poor, but stopped short of determining the poverty line as practised traditionally.

For the second year in a row, the Modi government has reduced fund available to child health interventions, with a massive cut — from Rs. 15,483.77 crore last year to Rs.

AHMEDABAD: The Socio-Economic Review of Gujarat has revealed that 1.47 lakh of the 43 lakh children at anganwadis in the state were found to be suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM).

This paper brings together existing literature on the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNRGEA) and the Public Distribution System (PDS) in India, offering a narrative review of the evidence on impacts on food security, health and nutrition of beneficiaries.
