This brief provides an introduction to ecosystem-based adaptation to climatic risks and hazards. It presents the concept and principles of ecosystem-based adaptation, the environmental, social and cultural benefits, as well as case studies from Nepal, Peru and Uganda. Further, it proposes a framework for holistic ecosystem-based adaptation.

Construction of venues and snow-making may damage mountains that help protect city from dust, smog and drought, concern group says

ISLAMABAD: The Ministry of Climate Change is implementing a project to promote conservation of biodiversity and strengthen existing conservation efforts by using an innovative market-based mechanis

Scientists have taken a closer look at the glaciers on the top of the world in order to better understand what changes they may undergo in the coming decades.

SYDNEY: Growing sea ice surrounding Antarctica could prompt scientists to consider relocating research stations on the continent, according to the operations manager of the Australian Antarctic Div

"Coping with Climate Change”, an e-book from Gene Campaign edited by Suman Sahai, is an information resource which deals with impact of climate change on sectors relevant to rural communities in India.

The mountains of Africa provide water and food, rich biodiversity, recreational areas

International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) on Wednesday announced the title of its upcoming conference: "Mountain people adapting to change: solutions beyond boundaries bridg

The latest report of the Sagarmatha Pollution Control Committee has calculated that on an average a mountaineer left behind 65 kg of burnable trash in the Everest region in 2013.

"During our [1984 Indian] Everest Expedition we saw how Sir Edmund Hillary has worked in that area.
