This study and the workshops that lead up to the International Conference for Renewable Energy 2004 in Bonn are primarily focused on learning experiences between Southern nations.

Rice millers to tap CDM

Wind farms have the Scots swept off their feet. A recent study by Mori Scotland, a market research agency in the uk, has found overwhelming support for wind energy. Four out of five respondents 82 per cent were in favour of the renewable source being ta

This document contains text of the Electricity Act, 2003 [No. 36 OF 2003].

Iceland has moved one step closer to its goal of using only renewable sources of energy by the year 2030. It recently inaugurated the world's first hydrogen fuel station in the capital city of

Solar energy users in California emerged victorious when the state Public Utilities Commission (puc) exempted them from paying an exit fee for leaving the state grid and generating their own power.

Methan village in Sidhpur tehsil, Patan district of Gujarat saves 500 metric tonnes of fuelwood annually. They ve been doing it for the last 15 years. This village is home to India s largest biogas plant, run by Silver Jubilee Biogas Producers and Distrib

Headloaders collectors of fuelwood in India's woodlands. On the one hand, seen as forest destroyers, on the other, they are the sole support of a multi billion dollar market. RICHARD MAHAPATRA follows one of them from dawn to dusk to learn about the str

How can CDM resolve the conflict between developed and developing country interests?

The Spanish government's proposal to end subsidies for renewable fuels has made the country's Association of Renewable Energy Producers (arep) see red. The government feels that the sop should be
