The greatest threat to cleaner, new age technologies is from fossil fools

George Bush may not understand the science of climate change. But the corporate houses behind him will soon understand the global benefits of going green. Only this perhaps will trigger a reversal in the White House s stance

Renewable energy is fast becoming the buzz word in the international power sector. Countries in Europe, in order to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, are moving towards use of power produced from

Renewable energy certificates find currency in Europe

In what can be termed a landmark ruling, the European court of justice has deci

Yashwant Sinha pleases the industry by playing a rude joke on the environment

Despite its vast potential, India is yet to come up with a renewable energy policy

Even as the world abandons nuclear power, the Indian government and industry are pushing for it

India's power sector might be in for a big change. A proposed electricity bill of the Union government

The closure of Chernobyl sends a clear message. Nuclear power is dangerous and unprofitable
