Co hopes to finalise equity deal by this month-end for its KG block that lies next to RIL’s D6 field

AG: Public Trust Doctrine For Gas Creates Confusion

The petroleum ministry on Tuesday promised expeditious clearances to a proposal made by Mukesh Ambani-run Reliance Industries (RIL) and partner BP India to make fresh investments at four blocks at

Protected Landscapes are a strong option for biodiversity conservation in human-influenced landscapes and seascapes. They often contain threatened or endemic species. There is now also a growing interest in the nature conservation benefits of protected landscapes. But do protected landscapes really protect wild biodiversity?

The erratic power supply that has been troubling the city this summer will improve as gas to feed the new Bawana power plant could be available soon, said Power officials.

Caught in a controversy over the purity and sanctity of the Ganga, threatened supposedly by hydroelectric projects, the government has formed a high-level expert committee under Planning Commission

New Delhi: Even as the coalgate controversy rages, the UPA government could be staring at another damaging report from its official auditor, the Comptroller and Auditor General, as it has started i

Being the highest specific discharge river system in the world, the Brahmaputra river experiences a number of long-duration flood waves during the monsoon season annually. In order to assess the flood characteristics at the basin and tributary scales, a physically based macro-scale distributed hydrological model (DHM) has been calibrated and validated for 9 wet years. The model performance has been evaluated in terms of prediction of the flood characteristics such as peak discharge, flood duration, arrival time of flood wave, timing of the peak flow and number of flood waves per season.

The idea of a Water Poverty Index (WPI) with a numerical value was formulated by scientists in an effort to express the complex relationship between sustainable water resource management and poverty at all units of human organization, all the way from community to nation.

Since 1991, UNDP-GEF’s International Waters Programme has been supporting over one hundred countries that share some of the world’s largest and most important aquatic ecosystems to work cooperatively in addressing the agreed priority environmental and water resource concerns facing such waterbodies.
