Degradation due to erosion, salinity, waterlogging, contamination, etc. reduces the quality of land. Soil and water resources are affected initially then the bioresources. Uncontrolled degradation processes lead to
desertification of land and the ecosystem functions are disturbed.

Intake of toxic cadmium (Cd) from rice caused Itai-itai disease in the past and it is still a threat for human health. Therefore, control of the accumulation of Cd from soil is an important food-safety issue, but the molecular mechanism for the control is unknown.

Gangtok, Sept 8: A presentation and interactive session on organic farming was organized by Food Security and Agriculture Development Department at Chintan Bhawan on Monday. The Government of Sikkim has set a target to convert the State into totally organic State by 2015. The Food Security and Agriculture Development Department had invited FIBL, Switzerland to deliver a talk on organic farming.


A forest ecosystem was developed on barren sodic land at Banthra Research Station of National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, during 1960s. About 74 species belonging to 34 families were recorded in this new forest, which was characterized as mixed dry sub-tropical forest with deciduous and evergreen species.

Soil samples for the estimation of organic carbon store were collected from the entire catchment area starting from Rajban to origin of Giri and all the land uses were covered to estimate soil organic carbon.

Sale of organic foods is one of the fastest growing market segments within the global food industry. People often buy organic food because they believe organic farms produce more nutritious and better tasting food from healthier soils.

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Member of State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) B K Parthasarathy on Thursday regretted that the mining in North Karnataka has pushed farmers to the brink of extinction.

Member of State Human Rights Commission (SHRC), B K Parthasarathy delivering a lecture at JSS Law College in Mysore on Thursday.

No plan to acquire lands in residential areas or farm lands

Says decision on project taken at all-party meeting
