Jind: The Agriculture Department is all set to go hi-tech with the introduction of the latest ground penetrating radar (GPR) system to test the quality of soil of cultivable and non-cultivable land. The department has pressed into service at least three vans to collect data regarding the soil to prepare a database about the nature of soil across the state.

THRISSUR: Agriculture Minister Mullakkara Ratnakaran has urged the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) scientists to formulate a naturefriendly package of practices to stimulate organic enrichment of soil.

Addressing a conclave of the scientists from KAU, Central Plantation Crops Research Institute(CPCRI), Spices Research Centre, and Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council Keralam (VFPCK), at a

Gujarat is a role model for the rest of the country with respect to certification of agricultural land, with more than 70% of the state's farmers provided cards with information on the quality of their soil, a senior agriculture ministry officer said on Monday.

Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development Minister Dr. Ramkrishna Kusmaria said that we should adopt bio-farming for improving fertility of soil. He said that bio-farming is a revolution.

In their report (Terrestrial gross carbon dioxide uptake: Global distribution and covariation with climate," 13 August, p. 834), C. Beer et al. joined others in estimating global carbon fluxes and their relationship to climate. (Letters)

Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development Minister Dr. Ramkrishna Kusmaria said that we should adopt bio-farming for improving fertility of soil. He said that bio-farming is a revolution.

The new nutrient-based fertiliser subsidy policy provides implicit incentives to farmers to test soil samples regularly and get crop-wise recommended doses of nutrients, and offers prospective benefits from the agro-environmental management point of view.

Minerals  are  the  gift  of  nature  which  occurs  either  in  thick  forest  areas  or  adjacent  to  it.

Agricultural  application  of  Municipal  Solid  Waste  (MSW),  as  nutrient  source  for plants and as soil conditioner, is the most cost­effective option of MSW management because  of  its  advantages  over  traditional  means  such  as  landfilling  or  incineration.

A field experiment was conducted on loamy soil with pH 8.10 and Ec 0.42 during 2007-2008 at the demonstration/research farm of Punjab Agricultural University to study the effect of irrigation regimes on leaf area and changes in soil nutrients in the plantation of Eucalyptus clones.
