Basel (Switzerland): A geologist on trial for causing earthquakes while drilling for hot rocks to produce clean energy has said he was surprised by the strength of the most powerful temblor.

Markus Haering, who designed the geothermal project, rejected charges that he deliberately damaged properties and said local people knew the risks.

DWIGHT EISENHOWER observed in his

Projected global warming under a worldwide climate policy following Switzerland's example is a new scenario study by Climate Analytics on request by Greenpeace Switzerland. Following the Swiss climate policy, in this scenario half of the overall reduction of emissions is achieved through international offsets.

The Swiss government has agreed to provide Rs 292 million for the Rural Health Development Project (RHDP) phase VII, reports RSS.

Finance Ministry joint secretary Lal Mani Joshi and Elisabeth Von Capeller of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) signed the agreement at the Finance Ministry.

Six phases of the project assisted by the Swiss government were completed on July 15, 200

• In early August, indigenous artists from the Australian state of Queensland collaborated in an exhibition. They wove thousands of metres of discarded fishing nets into sculptures. Much marine life gets trapped in these nets. • Switzerland

The world leaders, who attended the just concluded World Climate Conference-3 in Geneva, Switzerland have widely acclaimed Bangladesh's role in tackling the negative phenomenon of climate change.

Bangladesh and Switzerland will work jointly to tackle the challenges of global climate change, as the Swiss side came to an agreement on this united move during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's tour.

Bangladesh and Switzerland will work jointly to tackle the challenges of global climate change, as the Swiss side came to an agreement on this united move during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's tour.

Decreasing exposure to airborne particulates was previously associated with reduced age-related decline in lung function. However, whether the benefit from improved air quality depends on genetic background is not known. Recent evidence points to the involvement of the genes p53 and p21 and of the cell cycle control gene cyclin D1 (CCND1) in the response of bronchial cells to air pollution.

A dye molecule shows how light can transfer information THE world of today cannot do without transistors. Used to switch and amplify signals in the integrated circuits, they are essential for any electronic device to work efficiently. As of now silicon is the principal component of a transistor. Its electrons, which have conducting properties, allow for fast transmission of information. It
