"Why shouldn't salt-making be classed as agriculture?' asks R Potharaju. "Both require land, water and sunshine, and are subject to vagaries of nature,' he reasons. Potharaju is convenor of the

Disasters often help science researchers to understand natural phenomenon closely, and the Asian tsunami is no different.

The prawn farming industry in Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu has bounced back from the losses of the tsunami of December 26, 2004, causing irreperable damage to agriculture. The tsunami hit farmers of

Providing relief after a disaster like the December 2004 tsunami is a great challenge, especially in archipelagos far away from the mainland. But the administration of the Union territory of the

A tsunami has once again hit the Java islands of Indonesia. Four-metre high waves, which crashed into the western and central-southern coast of the islands on July 17, were triggered by a series of

Army firing range draws tribal wrath in Nicobar Islands

Post tsunami relief work in Sri Lanka is bogged down by corruption, inefficiency and political machinations

Averse to law: The Afghanistan government, along with the UN, has rejected a call of experts to legalise cultivation of opium crops in the country. Eighty seven per cent of the world's opium is

Andaman s ecology will suffer

Aggressively claiming its right over its natural resources post tsunami, Indonesia recently adopted a new law that requires all foreign fishing vessels to give 70 per cent of their catch to the
