function table() { var popurl="image/20060930/10-table.jpg","","width=450,height=450,scrollbars=yes") } the monsoon season in Assam is often time for

Tubewells have been so popular in rural Bangladesh that about 12 million have been installed, yielding water that is convenient, free and low in bacteria. But every fourth well is polluted with arsenic, with the result that millions of people are exposed to a severe environmental hazard. We explore this crisis from the viewpoint of legal geographies.

The quality of ground water samples collected from 7 representatives tubewells in rural areas around Angul-Talcher industrial zone, Orissa was assessed in the rainy, winter and summer from July 2001 to June 2003. A total of 20 physico-chemical characteristics were analysed. Some parameters were found within and some parameters beyond the desirable limit for drinking purpose.

Water scarcity in a Faridkot village

Soaps, tubewells are causing arsenic contamination

This paper analyzes the institutions and markets that govern groundwater allocation in the sugarcane belt of Uttar Pradesh, India, using primary plot-level data from a village which shares the typical features of this region. Electricity powers tubewell pumps, and its erratic supply translates into randomness in irrigation volumes. The paper finds that plots are water-rationed, owing to inadequate supply of power.

Chennai, crippled by water crisis, is also a metaphor for what Indian cities are experiencing in sourcing and managing the most precious natural resource: water. An in depth analysis

Human negotiation with its own capacities and actions often tends to be triumphalist. A man admires

function openmap(){ var popurl="html/20030415_map.htm","","width=650,height=500,scrollbars=yes") } Welcome to Wah india, a hazy land born of perfidy and

The 1970s and 1980s were a time of massive state investment in rural water development. Not only had more land to be brought under irrigation, but also drinking water supplied. These decades saw an
