Since 2005, Istanbul has been pedestrianizing select areas on the city’s Historic Peninsula. According to Assessment of the Air Quality Effects of Pedestrianization on Istanbul’s Historic Peninsula by EMBARQ team in Turkey, these measures have significantly improved air quality in the region.

Turkey is planning to double its coal power capacity in four years, the third largest investment in the polluting fossil fuel in the world, health campaigners have warned.

A planned clean-up project for Ergene River would destroy natural life in the Marmara Sea, according a report released by several non-governmental organizations and environmental groups May 18.

About one million Turks took part on Saturday in a worldwide clean-up campaign to collect garbage from the sea and forest across the country.

Turkey’s Energy Market Regulatory Authority has received 14 times more pre-license applications than its allocated capacity for wind power plants, Mustafa Yılmaz, head of the authority, revealed on

Former managers of a Turkish coal mine where 301 people died last year have appeared in court on murder charges.

Hundreds of protesters marched in western Turkey on Monday, demanding harsh sentences for mining company executives at the start of their trial over the deaths of 301 miners, the country's worst in

European, Turkish and Chinese recyclers are set to benefit from strict new EU rules on breaking up old ships, but the practice of dismantling them on beaches in South Asia at great human and enviro

Disaster management aims to reduce catastrophic losses of disasters. Geographic information technologies support disaster management activities for effective and collaborative data management considering the complex nature of disasters. This study with an original conceptual approach aims to develop interoperable geographic data model and analysis tools to manage geographic data sets coming from different sources.

The Lancet presents the most recent update on the global, regional, and national causes of death. Against a backdrop of increased global improvements in life-expectancy, death rates for some causes – including drug use and liver cancer – continue to rise.
